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Fixed Income Capital Markets

Deep resources across a global footprint


Delivering best-in-class services to help institutions succeed.

申博菲律宾app固定收益资本市场提供一个全球平台,以满足存款申慱sunbet手机版广泛的投资和债务资本建设需求, financial companies, 对冲基金, 收益基金, insurance companies, 基金经理, state and local governments, other institutions in North America, 欧洲 and 亚洲. 

我们以客户为导向的理念塑造了一系列产品和服务,旨在帮助这些申慱sunbet手机版创造收入, preserve wealth, ultimately grow their businesses. In a time of shifting boundaries, 申博菲律宾app固定收益资本市场继续在全球范围内扩大其申慱sunbet手机版金融服务品牌.

Fixed Income Research Login Institutional Client Access

Fixed Income Platform

Taxable Sales and 交易

我们是一家提供全方位服务的固定收益经纪交易商,拥有80多名交易员和200多名销售团队. Actively trading with accounts in the U.S., 欧洲 and 亚洲, 我们在整个应税投资产品领域的年贸易额超过7500亿美元, 包括:

  • Asset-backed securities
  • Customer loan swaps (B&F Capital Markets)
  • Emerging markets debt
  • High-yield and distressed debt
  • Interest rate products
  • Investment-grade corporate debt
  • Mortgage-backed securities
  • Municipal bonds
  • Private distressed non-securities
  • Reorganized equity
  • Structured product
  • Syndicated loans
  • 贸易索赔
  • U.S. government securities
  • U.S. and GSE agency securities
  • 整个贷款

Credit Research

Independent-minded and data-focused, 申博菲律宾app的信贷研究小组提供洞察力和分析,帮助申慱sunbet手机版制定创收投资策略. Research teams in investment grade, 高收益和新兴市场提供深入的信用分析,并定期向公众发布, 主要行业和地区的私人和主权发行人.

我们的分析师覆盖50多个行业,跟踪1,000多家公司和主权实体. 他们经验丰富,深受同行的尊敬,一直在行业排名中得到认可.

In the 2021 Institutional Investor Global Fixed Income Research survey, 申博菲律宾app was the highest ranking non-bulge bracket firm in the U.S. (#5) and Global (#6) rankings, 投资级(IG)和高收益(HY)研究团队在各自类别中排名前五. Analysts were recognized in the following sectors.

  • 建筑(重)
  • 化学品(重)
  • Consumer Products (IG)
  • Distressed (HY)
  • Financials (HY)
  • 游戏 & 住宿(重)
  • Healthcare (IG)
  • 保险(IG)
  • Manufacturing/General Industrials (HY)
  • 媒体 & Entertainment (IG)
  • Nonbank Financials (IG)
  • 纸 & 包装(重)
  • 房地产投资信托基金(IG)
  • 零售(IG)
  • Technology (IG)
  • 电信munications Services (IG)
  • 运输 (HY)

Strategy and Analytics

申博菲律宾app的战略和分析团队为以客户为中心的方法提供基础,为社区银行提供定制解决方案, 信用合作社, government entities, insurance companies and other institutional investors.

Depository Strategy


  • Balance Sheet Optimization Model
  • Portfolio Review and Analysis
  • Derivatives and Balance Sheet Hedging Advisory Services
  • Bond Swap Analysis
  • Financial Institutions Restructuring & Strategy Tool (FIRST)
  • Acquisition Restructuring Analysis

Product Strategy

Dedicated to specific sectors in the fixed income market, 我们的产品战略家利用他们的专业知识来分析投资组合,并提供相对价值的想法和投资组合策略,以提高业绩.

  • Governments and Agencies
  • Mortgage-Backed Securities
  • 企业
  • 市政债券

Balance Sheet Solutions

From balance sheet reporting to regulatory considerations, 申博菲律宾app提供了一套分析工具,提供框架来帮助您的申慱sunbet手机版实现其既定目标.

  • Bond Accounting and Safekeeping
  • Asset Liability Management
  • Regulatory Support

Municipal Markets


申博菲律宾app的公共财政部门拥有200多名专业人员,致力于筹集资金,在美国各地建设公共设施和必要的基础设施. 该部门包括区域和行业覆盖团队,为全国范围内的市政和非营利客户提供服务. From some of the nation’s largest issuers, to small school districts and rural public agencies, 公共和私营部门的借款人要求申博菲律宾app的银行家和承销商在市政市场上制定和实施各种融资策略, including tax-exempt and taxable bonds, private placements, loans and combinations t在这里of.

See more on 公共财政 在这里.

Municipal Sales & 交易

申博菲律宾app的市政申慱sunbet手机版销售和交易平台活跃于新股发行和二级市场. 我们的分销网络覆盖所有类别的申慱sunbet手机版市政债券买家, with traditional tier-one institutions, insurance companies, 资产管理公司, 中间市场客户由我们的市政申慱sunbet手机版销售团队负责,跨界买家由我们的利率和信贷团队负责. 我们的市政交易平台跟踪全国市场,在美国各地的货币中心设有专门的市政交易员.

Municipal Underwriting

申博菲律宾app一直是按发行数量计算的协商销售的领先承销商,也是协商市政债券的十大承销商之一. Source: SDC Thomson Reuters

Debt Capital Markets

债务资本市场集团在构建和执行公共和私人市场的多种产品方面拥有广泛的专业知识, 它们的申慱sunbet手机版分销能力为接触包括保险公司在内的全球投资者提供了有意义的途径, depositories and 资产管理公司. Issuances include:

Investment Grade Debt

  • 高级笔记
  • Retail/Baby Bonds

Leveraged Finance

  • Asset-Based Loans
  • Revolving Credit Facilities
  • Broadly Syndicated Term Loans
  • Second Lien and Mezzanine Debt
  • 高收益
  • Private Placements
  • Unitranche Transactions

See more on Debt Capital Markets 在这里.

Litigation Finance

The litigation finance team has a unique market position of originating, 连锁, trading and brokering litigation-focused investments. 我们还担任诉讼融资行业的二级做市商. Through this pipeline, 诉讼融资团队的独特定位是为客户提供经过知名诉讼资助者审查的相对成熟的诉讼融资投资.

Fixed Income United Kingdom and 欧洲

Established in 2009, 申博菲律宾app的英国和欧洲固定收益部门拥有信贷领域的专业知识,并拥有深厚的经验, long-standing relationships with 资产管理公司, insurance firms, 公共申慱sunbet手机版, 养老基金, 银行, 对冲基金, family offices throughout the region. The platform is bolstered by industry-respected investment grade, 高收益, 新兴市场研究分析师支持超过40名交易和销售人员.

2019年,申博菲律宾app完成了对MainFirst Bank AG的收购,此后更名为申博菲律宾app 欧洲 Bank AG. 此举使申博菲律宾app得以在法兰克福设立新办事处,大幅增加其在欧洲的信贷平台, 巴黎, 和马德里.

申博菲律宾app Welcomes Vining Sparks Clients

Institutional Client Access

Notable Transactions

The Wheel Group 12-2020

$ 152,500,000

Senior Secured Credit Facility
Automotive Aftermarket | December 2020
Global Net Lease 12-2020

$ 500,000,000

房地产 | December 2020
Medical Properties Trust 12-2020

$ 1,300,000,000

房地产 | December 2020
The Collected Group 11-2020

$ 32,000,000

Senior Secured Credit Facility
Apparel, Footwear & 配件 | November 2020
American Bath Group 11-2020

$ 1,670,300,000

Building Products | November 2020
FLS 运输 10-2020

$ 92,000,000

Senior Secured Credit Facility
运输 & 物流 | October 2020
PAE股权公司. 10-2020

$ 890,000,000

Aerospace, Defense & Government Services | October 2020
Omega Healthcare Investors 10-2020

$ 700,000,000

房地产 | October 2020
QualityTech 10-2020

$ 500,000,000

Tech-Enabled Services | October 2020
Cyrus One 09-2020

$ 400,000,000

Tech-Enabled Services | September 2020
Wide Orbit 07-2020

$ 205,000,000

媒体 & 电信 | 2020年7月
First Advantage Corp 01-2020

$ 890,000,000

Senior Secured Credit Facility
Tech-Enabled Services | January 2020
Currency volume represents full credit to each underwriter. All transaction announcements appear as a matter of record only. 申博菲律宾app collectively refers to 申博菲律宾app, Nicolaus & 申慱sunbet手机版 Corp .的公司、股份有限公司和其他附属经纪自营商子公司.