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申博菲律宾app Wealth Tracker

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  • 把你所有的财务信息集中到一个单一的、安全的视图中
  • Create a personal balance sheet
  • Take a more in-depth look at your holdings
  • Track your spending and view your net worth
  • 通过访问申博菲律宾app的全国认可的研究和投资见解,更好地了解您投资的公司
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Insurance Company Platform

申博菲律宾app Independent Advisors, LLC
ERISA Section 408(b)(2) Online Disclosure Notice

本在线披露通知描述了申博菲律宾app收到的报酬 申博菲律宾app Independent Advisors, LLC (申博菲律宾app Independent Advisors) (申博菲律宾app申博菲律宾app独立顾问(以下统称为“公司”) 就事务所提供的服务而言,您的ERISA合格 退休计划(“计划”),该计划是或将直接设立于 insurance company's recordkeeping platform investing in a 集团年金合同、集团资金协议或其他保险公司出具的 contract (hereinafter, collectively, a "Group Annuity"). The Firms are not the custodian of the Plan assets.

The Firms
The Firms are securities broker-dealers registered with the U.S. Securities and 这两家公司的总部都位于北纬501号. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102. The Firms provide certain services on behalf of your Plan as described below in Description of Services. These services are provided by your 作为其中一家公司的注册代表的财务顾问.

Description of Services
该公司提供非信托,非全权委托投资相关经纪业务 services to your Plan. Services may include providing general research, financial 向“计划”提供资料及数据,以协助“计划”的选择及监察 of a recordkeeping platform and its specific investment options; meeting with the 计划审查投资信息、投资业绩、费用和费用分析; and services for the Plan; and educating the participants on investment issues.

Direct Compensation Payable to The Firms from the Plan

作为注册的经纪自营商,本公司接受发行人和/或发行人的付款 作为本计划团体年金合约的发行人(“发行人”)的联属公司 间接补偿代表提供的与投资有关的服务 the Plan. 该等间接补偿包括发行人应支付的佣金. Commissions may be deposit-based (i.e., based on new purchase amounts under the Group Annuity) and/or asset-based (i.e., based on the total investment under the 团体年金),他们可以持续收取或只收取固定的费用 period. 这些佣金是从发行者的资产中支付的,确实如此 不得减少本计划的投资金额或本计划的投资收益. The 团体年金发行人应付给公司的任何佣金金额 在建议书、合同或服务协议中描述了什么 Annuity.

除佣金外,发行人还可支付商行的费用,或提供 非现金项目和服务,以方便培训和教育会议 公司的财务顾问,不依赖于该计划的投资金额 under the Group Annuity.

Compensation Paid Among Related Parties
申博菲律宾app receives indirect compensation from the Plan. These payments are 不得与申博菲律宾app附属的任何实体或任何其他实体共享.
申博菲律宾app独立顾问从该计划中获得补偿. These payments paid to 申博菲律宾app独立顾问分为申博菲律宾app独立顾问和您的 注册代表(作为独立承包商),与申博菲律宾app独立顾问 收到总报酬的10%到40%,你的代表收到 占总薪酬的60%至90%(平均69%).

Compensation for Termination of Services
该公司不会收到任何额外的补偿与终止 of the Plan's investment-related services.

Important Information
本通知介绍直接或间接支付的若干类型的赔偿 就代表公司提供的与投资有关的服务向该公司提供 of your Plan. 本通知所载资料旨在满足 根据雇员退休收入第408(b)(2)条的披露要求 Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). The Plan may incur other service charges that are not payable to the Firms. Such charges may include legal expenses, fees 及其他应付予“计划”行政服务提供者的费用 审核本计划的财务报表及其他相关费用. Information 关于这些其他服务费用可能从适用的服务中获得 provider. 另外,请参阅您的团体年金保管平台 proposal, service agreement, and/or contract.

本公告为计划受托人提供重要资料. However, it does 不修改或增加我们以前在协议中规定的法律责任 or other materials by 申博菲律宾app or any affiliate thereof. The information 这里包括的重要信息,为计划受托人,但是 无意创建、取代或修改任何现有或未来的协议 with the Firms that may exist now or in the future.

How to Contact Us
如果您对您的服务和/或补偿有疑问 计划在审阅此在线披露后,请向我们的ERISA发送查询 408(b)(2) Disclosure questions mailbox at